About Us

aboutIn the past, all that was available was a brochure, which provided a great service; both to our Tour Operators, and to all of those in the tourism industry – as well as many adventure seekers anxious to discover new and exciting things to do in Tasmania.

We then recognised that putting this information on the internet provided an opportunity for even better service to our audience. In the second half of 1999 this site was launched: an innovative and comprehensive online service like no other in the adventure tourism industry.

The web service is database-driven, providing visitors with the most up-to-date status and detail on both the available tours and the operators who host them. Visiting the Networking Tasmanian Adventures web site provides the easiest and most comprehensive Adventure Tourism planning in the world. You are able to book tours through the site and utilise electronic commerce functionality.

The tours are maintained by the Tour Operators themselves, ensuring up-to-the-minute status on available tour ‘vacancies’.

The objective of this online service was to provide information and the ability to interact with our tour operators in a manner that could not be possible using any other medium or type of technology.